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30 June, 2019
You may be an animal lover and have a pet, and consider that pet as your family member. You are very much aware of your pet’s requirement. However, while travelling you cannot think of leaving the pet behind unlike the old days. Now a days, there are many hotels and motels which allow the keep pet.. more+
30 June, 2019
Sometimes you might be tempted to see the world through rose-coloured lenses by ignoring over the negative aspects of life. However, positive thinking actually means approaching life's challenges with a positive outlook. It does not necessarily mean avoiding or ignoring the bad things instead it.. more+
30 June, 2019
Gadgets can give children an academic edge and help them to explore their interests through internet access and stay connected with friends and family. However, none of us do not like to see our children wasting their time, putting unnecessary effort and ruining their health over gadgets. But, in this.. more+
30 June, 2019
Relationship is very much complicated, so building a strong relationship with your stepchildren is like walking on a tightrope. Therefore, you need to find a balance between being another authority figure and being a friend.  It is imperative and you should not try to replace the parent. Hence, here.. more+
30 June, 2019
Facebook, Twitter and Youtube are some of the social networks which have changed the way of the people to get connected all across the world. The networks have improved their information on sharing on vast areas and significantly reducing the obstruction in communication with other people. People from.. more+
30 June, 2019
The word "coffee" is in our life. We are so much habituated with this drink that from the early morning till late night we consume this drink.  In fact many of us do not count how much we consume this drink within a day. We consume the coffee as a refreshing drink.  However, due to.. more+