10 Tips To Understand Women Better
Women, women, women are difficult to understand. Women are considered to be the nourishers and the caregivers, for this reason the human race continues to survive. In fact most of the men are at a complete loss while understanding women. This is not to say that they are complex but they are rational beings. Most of the men confuse irrationality with emotional intensity. It has been found that a man comes up with excuses because they are either over rationalize or falls to the popular explanation of women. While the truth is much simpler like men, women want what is best for them. Women have the more ability to give themselves wholly to their life partner and to their families.
Women are much easier to understand than men. Women solely understand the importance of connecting with the rest of the human race while men prefer to be solitude. Though men and women deserve to be treated equally but there are certain social differences between the two genders. In spite of social differences woman are easier to understand if you try to observe the women. Well, these 10 tips will help you to know about how to understand the woman better.
- It takes very little things to please a woman. Give her a hug, a smile or a look even at the right time is that all which will make her happy.
- Women can lie when they need to and do it rather well. If you are clever then you could easily know the difference in the tone. Women will usually be unusually nice and sweet to cover up for the lie. You should not be silly to doubt her if she just feel more expressive and affectionate.
- Women basically do not like play the role of the mother to their men, so you should sit up and take up some responsibility. Though every man like to be the child every now and then still do not over-rely on the woman for domestic needs but you should do something once in order to pamper the woman.
- Woman prefers to be get respect from men. However, you should treat woman as an individual not as a woman. Women prefer to see themselves as important individuals with important contributions in their field or society. They do not want their sex to be a factor in any kind of job. In fact women want to be one of the guys. They just want to be acknowledged as being good or better than the guys.
- You should know that women never dress well only for their own man but they do it for all the eyes not only in the room but also for outsiders (including the women). She would be happier if she is getting someone else's attention. Man can do only thing, is give her the most attention.
- Women want to be understood without having to explain themselves. Woman expects the man to be a mind reader. She does not want to have to explain how and why she is feeling the way she is and why her mood has changed. She expects you to know her well enough in order to be well connected to her.
- Everyone requires some major alone and me-time. If man can go for the escapade-trips then why not woman. Woman does not require huge gang of girls they can just take off alone.
- Woman expects to be loved. For any woman love matters in how you can make the woman feel loved. Love initially comes without warning and without much effort. The woman wants the man to know how she would like to be loved and what would be the best way to make her feel loved is.
- You must observe the woman. The best way to understand a female is to spend time with them and observe their patterns of behaviour. If you are observing the woman then it will teach you things like what upsets her, what excites her, what annoys her, and so on? You must pay close attention to her and try to be patient. While one woman might show you exactly who she is immediately, another woman might only show you certain sides of herself as you get to know each other.
- The last and the most important thing is a man need to be a good listener. Listening is important to understand especially women. You should give her your full attention and even can ask questions in order to better understand what she is saying.
In order to understand the real woman, you need to come up with the grips of the complex nature of femininity. Women’s brains are wired differently from the men. The brain of a man is compartmentalised, focused and directed whereas the brain of the woman connects everything up, and it does it all the time.