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Secrets to have a Super Happy and Healthy Relationship

Relationships are not easy to maintain but there are very few people who know the secrets of having healthy and happy relationship. Sometimes you meet older couples who have been married for years and walking down the street holding hands. Such type of relationship may amaze you and you try to find out the secrets of having a happy and healthy relationship like those couples. They have such wonderful relationship because they know how to take the ups and downs or how to weather the storm.  Apart from this here are some tips which may help you to have a happy and healthy relationship.

1.Communicate Openly

In order to have a healthy relationship it is very important to communicate with your partner. The communication style also matters in commitment levels. If you want a healthy relationship then you should not try to avoid conflicts rather you should know how to keep the lines of communication open. Those who are happy couples they know that the best conversations happen without the distraction of phones, tablets and laptops.

2.Try something New Together

You both should be creative and try to find something new and interesting things which you both can do together. You must preferably chose something that neither of you have ever tried. This is likely to add the fun of exploring new things together in the relationship. You may have done such things when you went on dating. So why should not you try this things after having many years of relationship? Such type of things would help you to have a healthy relationship.

3.Give the Other Person Your Full Attention

Being a human being we all love to have attention by our partners. So you should not give disrespect to your partner by being distracted towards your phone or simply nodding your head when you are together. You need to give attention to your partner according to the type of attention your partner likes to have. For example: - send romantic texts, leave love notes on lunch boxes, pockets etc. Paying much attention to your partner will help you have a healthy relationship.

4.Go On a Vacation Together

A couple’s retreat is considered to be energizing for a relationship. It has been found that many happy and healthy couples take their own short vacations. Enjoying the adventures of the trip with your partner may continue to ignite a spark in your relationship. Such vacation would help you to have energized and enthusiastic relationship.

5.Remember to Laugh

Laughter is likely to relax the body and also helps to boost your immune system. Even in our hardest time we should smile and laugh at some quirky or funny event, or some memory. In order to have a healthy relationship you both must be playful, watch comedy films or serials together or you both can go to comedy clubs. You should try to fill your relationship with laughter.

6.Try to Be Honest

In any relationship honesty is the essential thing. If you want a healthy relationship then you both should be honest towards each about everything including money. According to the expert, money could be a common reason for fighting apart from parenting and family issues. So you both try to be honest towards each other regarding such matter.

7.Eating Together

Eating together may maze you but it is very essential if you want a healthy relationship. It is assumed that dinner table is the place where couples are able to connect and receive nourishment- both spiritually and physically. Eating healthy food together at a table not only encourages good family nutrition but also provides a regular, sacred space for conversation and laughter.

8.Walk Hand-in-Hand or Side-by-Side

It is very important to take a walk hand- in-hand- or side-by-side rather than one partner lagging or dragging behind the other. It is seen that happy couples walk comfortably hand-in-hand or side-by-side. This is because they know that it is more important to be with their partner than to see the sights along the way.

9.Focus More on What Your Partner Does Right than What He or She Does Wrong

If you found out things that your partner does wrong then you must stop your partner from doing wrong things and would try to show them the right path. You can also find out whether your partner is in the right track or not. Everything is likely to depend on what you want to look. Those who are happy couples they always highlight the positive things.

10.Hug Each Other as Soon as You See Each Other After Work

Our skin tends to have a memory about "good touch" (loved), "bad touch" (abused) and "no touch" (neglected). Couples who wish hello with a hug helps to keep their skin bathed in the "good touch," which can help you to immunize your spirit against obscurity in the world. You can even hug your partner after your work is done or hug your partner without any reason. This would help both of you to feel secured.

Apart from these 10 tips there are many tips which can help you to have a happy and healthy relationship.  You must remember that happy couples have different habits than unhappy couples. A habit is considered to be a discrete behaviour that you do automatically and that takes little effort to maintain. So you may either select one or follow all from the list to be a healthy and happy couple.