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30 June, 2019
There are many people who love the rainy season. Whereas the farmers either tend to be happy for effects or tend to lament for the negative effects of the rain. Therefore, it becomes very important for the farmers to take proper care of their cattle which they intended to sell. Well, here are some.. more+
1 May, 2019
Trapping birds in many states and countries is illegal. However, you are permissible to light trapping of birds.  In some places you may need a permit and you are able to find pre-made traps more effective or you can even build your own bird trap with some basic supplies at home or in the.. more+
24 September, 2018
There are many people who want to keep pets. Among all the pets, fish could be a wonderful pets. They do not ask much from us. They are beautiful and soothing to watch and they are fun to have around. Even better, you can always manage more fish than you would ever be able to deal with lots of puppies or.. more+
6 June, 2018
Pets are very special for the owners. In fact we love to keep pets but we get afraid of either training them or we do not have much space to keep those pets in our home. If you want to have a pet then it is very important to train the pet so that it does not get afraid of our relatives. Therefore, during.. more+
4 May, 2018
Birds are extremely social by nature, and thrive on company, nurturing, and frequent interaction. Many species of birds make fun, engaging pets. If you’re considering bird ownership, the care requirements include providing good housing, nutritious food, and keeping an eye on the bird’s health... more+
2 February, 2018
If you are contemplating about having a pet at your home, make sure that you have made a thorough research to check if you can handle the great responsibility of being a pet-owner especially if you have a child. It is not enough that you love animals. You should have at least an idea how to give.. more+
16 December, 2017
There is hardly anyone on this earth who does not love to have pets. Some people love to keep dog, cats, birds etc as their pet. Loving a pet does not only mean to give food and love but also it is necessary to take proper care of your pet. Proper care means vaccination of your pet on right time. As.. more+