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19 February, 2018
It is very difficult to find and keep true friends. True friends are those friends who will be there for you, would not judge you and will stick up for you even if you both have different wave length of mind. It can be really difficult to find and make real friends. However, it would be possible if you.. more+
19 February, 2018
Having huge relatives does not imply that you will get well with each and every member. Among them there are certain relatives who are really annoying so their visit at your place becomes a nightmare. However, annoying relatives are certainty in every one’s life. Dealing with such relatives means.. more+
19 February, 2018
It is said that a relationship is like a banana: the more you peel, the more you will taste the sweetness. This phrase is absolutely true in case of long distance relationship. A long distance relationship takes many things to survive such as patience, communication, determination and above all the trust... more+
10 December, 2017
We all are different from each other so we tend have different relationships. However, sometimes we face similar issues regarding our relationships. Maximum people tend to enter into a relationship with good intentions. They assume that they are likely to remain in a permanent and happy union... more+
30 November, 2017
According to the National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey, researchers have found that more than one-third of women and one in 12 men have experienced intimate partner violence in their lifetime.  That is too many anyone would agree. If you are thinking about what you can do to help then.. more+
30 November, 2017
While starting a conversation with a guy can be a nail-biting prospect especially when you think that he is attractive. However, if you can gather enough courage then just go for it, the results may not be satisfactory. Well, here are some simple, easy-to-follow tips and tricks for striking up a.. more+
27 November, 2016
Women, women, women are difficult to understand. Women are considered to be the nourishers and the caregivers, for this reason the human race continues to survive. In fact most of the men are at a complete loss while understanding women. This is not to say that they are complex but they are rational.. more+