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Zodiac Sign & Your Communication Skills.

Get to know more about your communication skill based upon the position of the planet Mercury.

Hi, Your communication skill is influenced by Libra Sign


As you have Mercury in Libra so your best ability is to see all sides of an issue. You tend to be tactful, diplomatic and reasonable. Diplomacy tends to come from within your natives. You have the ability to work well with all groups of people. You are also good at pleasing. You mainly wish that everyone should be equal in the intellectual circles. It is important for you to have mental connection with those you have relationships.

You prefer perfection but dislikes criticism. You always look for compromise so that everyone is happy. You are born talented at networking with people. While making decisions you always turn to others. You are mainly rational and well balanced person. You dislike arguments but prefer to have quiet discussion. You are broad minded and friendly but can stick to your principles when needed. Changing situations quickly can be difficult for you because you are not much adaptable.

You prove to be a good communicator and prefer to put others at ease. You are born with good listening skills and you love to hear what people have to say. You are also born good at reflecting back your opinions and ideas to others.

Your Communication Skill Matched with Famous Figures : - Barbara Walters, Bill Gates, H.R.H. Farah Pahlavi of Iran, Gore Vidal, Julio Iglasias, Michael Douglas,Sophia Loren and Vladimir Putin.

Communicator Type : -You are Air communicator so you express cordiality, neighbourliness, objectivity, rationalization and curiosity. You seem to be slight artificial but you generally prefer to remain detached so that you can get better viewpoint. You generally concentrate on the more intellectual aspects of life. You possess great mental power, well at teaching and also possess brain storming energy.

Communication Style : -"The Hybrid Intellectual". Being an Air sign you are good both in talking and fast thinking. You like to communicate through auditory experiences like talking face to face, or over the telephone. You are basically happy to share an influential opinion about everything, whether you have good knowledge about the subject. You are an enthusiastic communicator and like to exchange ideas and enjoy one-on-one chats as well as group sessions. You prefer to have polite interruption otherwise you will get angry.

Communication Challenges : -"The Finale Hurdler". You are an Air type listener so you assume that you already know the importance of the message. You are likely to reach to the end before you have finished your statement. You are good at accepting new information based upon your assumptions rather than taking too much time in analysing the facts. You mainly prefer to avoid arguments and move on quickly if possible.

Communication Strengths : -Enquiring all sorts of questions, brainstorming, recounting, chasing, offering advice, suggesting unusual ideas.

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