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Calculate 1st, 2nd & Even 3rd Saturn Returns

Saturn is likely to punish you for your wrong deeds as well as gives rewards for your good deeds. Given below is a detailed information about whether you are on the right track or not according to your zodiac sign.

Hi, Your Saturn sign is Pisces

Your Saturn Return Dates are:

1st Saturn Return Dates : From: 24 May 2025 at 11:35 PM To: 13 Feb 2026 at 07:11 PM



Lot of people whether they are in astrology or not, have some awareness regarding the Saturn Return. The Saturn return is an astrological events and for the first time it is likely to come back to meet your natal Saturn in the late twenties. It is important in astrology as it is a time which helps to getting real with yourself and your mission in life. If you have been coasting on bravado and wishful thinking, Saturn will cause the foundation to dissolve beneath your feet. Actually, it is a time of upheaval, stress, major re-evaluation and change. For few people, it is likely to give confirmation that you are on the right track so that you can get another chance to take stock when Saturn returns again in your late 50s.


The planet Saturn was named after its nature and is naturally a malefic planet. Each one of us may have experienced the malefic effects of Saturn at some point in our life. In Hindu astrology, Shani means to move slowly. It takes about two and half years to cross a zodiac sign. There are many role of the planet Saturn in astrology:

  • If the Saturn is placed in beneficial sign and house then it bestows the person with great fame and wealth. However, it also has an adverse effect which is likely to bring loss, sorrow and difficulties in life.
  • This planet is also connected with the longevity of an individual if it is placed in the positive sign or house.
  • Though it has bad name yet this planet is a teacher who teaches the students about good and bad.
  • It is a planet of justice and behaves as a judge and gives justice depending upon the deeds.


  • The planet makes a person hardworking, dedicated and sincere. It dislikes lethargy.
  • Saturn help to develop organizational skills.
  • Brings sense of responsibility.
  • Saturn makes the person to practice and rehearse.
  • In Vedic Astrology, Shani means moving slowly. People influenced by Saturn think before taking any action.
  • Saturn is connected with the age and longevity of an individual so gives long life if placed favorably in horoscope.
  • Saturn is actually considered as a teacher and behaves like a teacher, who punishes the students when they are wrong and rewards them for their good deeds.
  • Saturn is also the planet of justice and work ethics and behaves like judge and gives justice depending upon the deeds of a person.
  • Saturn makes a person down to earth and tames the ego.
  • Saturn provides comfort of having servants and workers, if placed positively.
  • Saturn never denies anything but just delays it and thus making the person mentally strong.
  • Saturn helps to attain success in fields of law and philosophy.
  • It can make leader of depressed classes or labor union etc. during its period.
  • It also help in making profit in agriculture, animal husbandry, poultry farms and income through coal, mining, oil refineries etc.
  • People with benefic Saturn become known for being the voice of the common man as they tend to be truthful and honest people


  • A malefic Saturn can cause all sorts of upheaval in a person’s life when it comes to the dasha of Saturn, or during Sade Sati, dhaiya, transit over birth chart houses.
  • When Saturn is in unhappy sign then it becomes restrictive and gives struggles. It can delay events and make the person feel depressed. The purpose of Saturn is to make a person learn an area thoroughly and hence slows out the process and makes a person totally absorbed in their situation until they understand the core of the matter.
  • If Saturn is placed badly then it gives a depressed, pessimistic outlook on life. The person feels low in self-esteem, loses their self-confidence and is unsatisfied with what they have. It gives a feeling of laziness, feeling tired, and constantly under mental pressure. Stress relates to headaches/neck shoulder pains/body aches.
  • There are a host of illnesses, diseases that come about as the result of a malefic Saturn and most of these are slow to develop and are chronic.
  • A positive Saturn gives the person diplomacy in speaking while negative placement of Saturn will do the opposite. It will blacken the self-image of a person, make them say things without thinking and have a rude or impolite way of speaking and rough manner.
  • During unfavorable Saturn transits, including sade sati and dhaiya, there are financial losses and discord with family members or people of authority.


Day: Saturday
Orbit time in One Zodiac Sign:Two and half years (average)
Orbit time of whole Zodiac:30 years (average)
Nature:Sorrow and hardship
Constellations ruled: Pushya, Anuradha, Uttra Bhadrapada
Friendly planets: Mercury, Venus, Rahu
Enemy planets:Sun, Moon, Mars
Neutral planets: Jupiter
Own Sign (Rashi): Capricorn and Aquarius
Mool Trikon in: Aquarius
Exalted in:Libra
Debilitated in:Aries
Special features:Hurdles, delay
Precious Stone:Blue Sapphire
Vimshottari Mahadasha period:19 years
If well placed signifies: Prosperity, land, wealth, good position
If adversely placed signifies:Arrogance and poverty
Representation: Servants, elder and old people
Body parts ruled:Legs and nervous system etc.
Diseases given by Saturn:Pneumatic pain, injury in legs, long diseases etc.

Saturn in Pisces

Jupiter is the ruling planet of Pisces and it shares a neutral friendship with the planet Saturn. People with Saturn in Pisces are inclined towards spirituality. They are deep thinker and also have a tendency to study every subject in depth. They are good mentor as they make better judgements. They work as guiding spirit and have a sacrificing nature. They often play a chief role among their friends and relatives because they are good at disciplining and making policies. Such people are quite creative as they have a strong penchant for arts. Hence, they are likely to make their career in the field of art or spirituality.

Jobs according to Saturn placement: lawyer, medicines, history, religion good master, administrator, doctor, priest, teacher, guide, holy place.

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